How does this work? The number one difference between logos and wordmarks is that wordmarks are text-based logos. We have established that a wordmark is a logo, but not every logo is a wordmark. With graphic design becoming a critical part in everyday advertising, logos are increasingly recognizable and even more critical to a company’s success. As typography began to evolve and change, logos only seemed to become more important. Text was incorporated as education began to become the standard for all citizens, ushering in new types of logos. Pictorial logos were commonly used to denote buildings and products to people who did not have the ability to read, rather like a functional picture book. Logos have been around for thousands of years, from signs denoting the local blacksmith to government seals, coats of arms and more. These are also an effective form of mass communication, as several logos, such as Apple’s apple - probably one of the best examples of a picture-based logo (or a pictorial mark) - are known worldwide at just a glance. They can be as simple as the company name itself, as elaborate as a graphic and everything in between. The purpose of a logo is to help people remember a service or brand offered. A logo is a graphic or emblem used by a business, company, organization or even sometimes individuals. One of the first steps in understanding the differences between a logo and a wordmark is to understand what a logo actually is. Keep reading to learn why wordmarks differ from the standard idea of a logo, as well as why they are rapidly becoming one of the more effective methods for product branding by increasing the ability for a company to be recognized. It might sound a little confusing, but we’ll make more sense of it a bit further down on this page.

What sets a wordmark apart from a logo? Are they entirely different, or do they share some of the same qualities? Learn what a wordmark is and how they can help businesses with their unique qualities. If you have heard the term wordmark, you might have been confused.