Legal Firms Professional Services Finance Medical Offices Real Estate Who else? ġ7 Cloud Backup How it Works Administrator sets backup and retention policies Light-weight agent runs on target laptops/desktops/ servers Automatic backup happens in background. Walt Mossberg, The Wall Street Journal ġ0 How much data are we talking about? 1 GB 2 GB 4.7 GB 1,000,000 GB 7 minutes of HD Video 20 yards of books Size of a standard DVD-R The amount of gigabytes in one petabyte (PB)ġ1 How much is a petabyte (PB)? 1 PB 20 million filing cabinets filled with text 1 PB 13.3 years of HD video 1.5 PB Size of the 15 billion photos on Facebook 20 PB The amount of data Google processes each day 50 PB The entire written works of mankind from the beginning of recorded history in all languages ġ2 Mozy Cloud Backup File Restore! Anytime, anywhere availability! Built to Last! Scales with your business! Cost-effective! Access! Administrative Controls! Military-grade Security! Multi-platform support (Windows, Mac, Server)!ġ3 Mozy Backup Benefits Productivity! Peace of Mind! Value! Easy, Convenient Data Protection & Access! Reliable & Hassle Free! Low Cost, Low Risk! Automatic Protection! Anywhere Access! Improved Management! Reduced Downtime! Highest Levels of Security! Personal Key Encryption! Trusted Technology! ~ 50% savings over in-house backup! No CapEx! Add more space as you need it.!ġ4 What Are Businesses Backing Up? ġ5 Who are you targeting? Primarily targeted at businesses 70k annual household income Small business owners make up ~25% of the overall user base Backup users are highly organized and don t feel comfortable unless all their information is backed up.ġ6 Identifying the Target Market By Vertical Markets Specific challenges know how Mozy can help meet current and future needs. David Pogue, The New York Times "I'm most impressed with Mozy - Larry Armstrong, Business Week I prefer Mozy. Saves money! ĩ Mozy Online Data Backup and Access Simple, Automatic, Secure Mozy Cloud Platform Efficient, Secure, Scalable, Resilient 6+ years in service 3+ million users 100k+ businesses 90PB+ of Customer Data TB added daily Global Data Center Footprint Safe Harbor Compliant Owned by EMC Mozy is more flexible too.

Accessible anywhere via internet/browser 5. Contingency Planning and Strategic Research Corporation 50% of all tape backups fail to restore Gartner 25% of all PC users suffer from data loss each year - Gartner Ħ Data Can Be Lost Without Warning 3%! 7%! 5%! 13%! 42%! 30%! Human Error Hardware Failure PC Viruses Theft Software Corruption Hardware Destructionħ The Cloud Backup Advantage 1. 43% never reopen and 51% close within two years - University of Texas 7 out of 10 small firms that experience a major data loss go out of business within a year - DTI/Price Waterhouse Coopers 96% of all business workstations are not being backed up.

1 MozyPro Online Backup Overview and Sales Best Practicesģ Digital Data Continues to Grow Growing by a Factor of 44 One Zettabyte (ZB) = 1 trillion gigabytes ZB ZB Source: IDC Digital Universe Study, sponsored by EMC, May 2010Ĥ The Digital Universe in the Clouds, 2020 By 2020, more than a third of the Digital Universe will either live in or pass through the cloud Total Digital Universe 35 ZB Touched by Cloud 12 ZB Source: IDC Digital Universe Study, sponsored by EMC, May 2010ĥ For SMBs Data IS Their Business 94% of companies suffering from a catastrophic data loss do not survive.